2508: Service Modification Proposal

Service Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for the service title? BOTLABS.GG LLC
Are you proposing a change for the service urls? botlabs.gg yagpdb.xyz carl.gg fredboat.com ayana.io piggy.gg cloudy.gg gamestats.gg weeb.sh
Are you proposing a change for the service’s wikipedia page? No.
Are you proposing a merge with a different service? No.
Are you proposing ownership changes or does the service not exist anymore? yagpdb got acquired by BOTLABS.GG, LLC (bottom of this page YAGPDB)

Document Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for a documents title? No.
If field above has been filled, enter the URL of the document below. None.
Are you proposing a recrawl of a document? false
For which document are you proposing the recrawl? None.
Are you proposing a change for a documents xpath? No.
For which document are you proposing the xpath change? None.

all websites share the privacy policy and other legal docs, except for the TOS pages, but the TOS pages seem to all have the exact same text as Terms of Service | Bot Labs

(YAGPDB Carl-bot Dashboard FredBoat)

also suggested icon https://botlabs.gg/wp-content/themes/botlabs/assets/img/svg/botlabs.svg

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