3344: Service Modification Proposal

Service Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for the service title? No.
Are you proposing a change for the service urls? No.
Are you proposing a change for the service’s wikipedia page? No.
Are you proposing a merge with a different service? 309,2537
Are you proposing ownership changes or does the service not exist anymore? Yahoo Inc.

Document Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for a documents title? No.
If field above has been filled, enter the URL of the document below. None.
Are you proposing a recrawl of a document? false
For which document are you proposing the recrawl? None.
Are you proposing a change for a documents xpath? No.
For which document are you proposing the xpath change? None.
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I submit the service edit as a bit of a formality. In reality, there’s a few parts.

Verizon Media owns a number of different brands:

You can check them here: https://www.verizonmedia.com/our-brands

There is a unified TOS and Privacy Policy that applies to all the brands (this is stated within the first few lines of both documents). I think it would make sense to merge all these brands’ profiles under the Verizon Media service.
At the moment, only three brands, Yahoo! & Aol. & TechCrunch, have service profiles on TOSDR, and of these, only Yahoo! has been reviewed.
So, I would like to suggest a few things:

  1. Transfer the documents and points on Yahoo! (Service 309) to Verizon Media (Service 3344)
  2. Merge Verizon Media (Service 3344) with Yahoo! (service 309), Aol. (Service 890), and TechCrunch (Service 2537)
  3. Add the domain names for all of the brands mentioned above to the Verizon Media service
  4. Change Verizon Media’s weblink to https://www.verizonmedia.com/ (it currently links to https://www.engadget.com/
  5. Add the Verizon Media Logo to the service (Image can be found here)

The Phoenix links are as follows (I didn’t want to clutter things up with repeated URLs)

This way, editors only have to edit one document that applies to a wide variety of websites that a lot of people visit.

I know this is a lot of stuff, so I thank everyone in advance for whatever can or cannot be done, and for any suggestions that are given.

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The article states that Verizon Media will be re-branded to Yahoo, so perhaps it would be a better idea for everything to merge with Yahoo https://tosdr.org/en/service/309. However, since this has not officially occurred yet, I’m not sure if everything should still be merged under Verizon Media, whose name can be changed at a later time if it is indeed renamed Yahoo.
Seeing as the entire unit of Verizon Media is being sold, I feel that it’s likely that all the subsidiary brands will still operate under a unified TOS and Privacy Statement, even if the wording is changed under new management.

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