7217: Service Modification Proposal

Service Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for the service title? No.
Are you proposing a change for the service urls? No.
Are you proposing a change for the service’s wikipedia page? No.
Are you proposing a merge with a different service? No.
Are you proposing ownership changes or does the service not exist anymore? No.

Document Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for a documents title? No.
If field above has been filled, enter the URL of the document below. None.
Are you proposing a recrawl of a document? false
For which document are you proposing the recrawl? None.
Are you proposing a change for a documents xpath? 13825, 13824: /html/body/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div/div/div[3]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]; 13826: /html/body/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div/div/div[2]
For which document are you proposing the xpath change? https://edit.tosdr.org/documents/13825; Document OneTrust Privacy Notice (ToS;DR Phoenix); Document OneTrust Copyright Notice (ToS;DR Phoenix)

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Updated to actually just capture the text as best as possible.

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