8374: Service Modification Proposal

Service Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for the service title? No
Are you proposing a change for the service urls? Yes
Are you proposing a change for the service’s wikipedia page? Yes
Are you proposing a merge with a different service? No
Are you proposing ownership changes or does the service not exist anymore? No

Document Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for a documents title? No
If field above has been filled, enter the URL of the document below. None
Are you proposing a recrawl of a document? true
For which document are you proposing the recrawl? Perplexity AI Privacy Policy
Are you proposing a change for a documents xpath? No
For which document are you proposing the xpath change? No

Because both the privacy policy and terms of service documents on Phoenix are empty, it’s difficult to tell if this is an issue with the document URLs, the crawling, or the XPath configuration.

If there’s a way to identify which is causing the issue, please let me know for future reference.


Crawling the documents fails, I am not sure weither thats our crawler being down or perpelexity blocking us. I try again later.
Thank you for reachinf out.

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I confirm that we at Open Terms Archive have also observed that Perplexity has been blocking crawlers since 6th of June.

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Kind of ironic cosodering how difficult they make it to block their crawler ;D

Ty for the info!

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