896: Service Modification Proposal

Service Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for the service title? No.
Are you proposing a change for the service urls? No.
Are you proposing a change for the service’s wikipedia page? No.
Are you proposing a merge with a different service? No.
Are you proposing ownership changes or does the service not exist anymore? No.

Document Proposal:

Proposal Value
Are you proposing a change for a documents title? Yes, a new “Terms & Conditions” document.
If field above has been filled, enter the URL of the document below. Terms & Conditions
Are you proposing a recrawl of a document? false
For which document are you proposing the recrawl? None.
Are you proposing a change for a documents xpath? No.
For which document are you proposing the xpath change? None.

Apologies if I didn’t answer the questions as intended. Technically, I’m not requesting changes, but rather the addition of a new document to the service. The new document would be “Terms & Conditions” and that can be found here: https://www.target.com/c/terms-conditions/-/N-4sr7l#Arb2. If it helps, the xPath is /html/body/div[1]/div[2]/main/div/div[1]/div/div/div[5]/section/div.

I tried to add it but i get and error when crawling the document. I try to find out why

Its an issue with our crawler. We wkll get new crawlers soon, i will try again then