Can't change or reset password

As part of a security review in all my accounts in multiple services I’m changing my old passwords. However, it does not seem to be possible in TOS;DR at all. The old password still works, but there is no way to change or reset it.

I remember a few years ago that TOS;DR got some sort of single-sign-on utility at That is the only place where the old password does not work any more. Is this still active?

  • this forum:
    • old password works, but there is no option to change it at settings, profile, preferences, account
    • there is a password reset option, it says it sends an email, but the email never arrives (and I’ve checked it is correct)
  • Phoenix:
    • old password works, but I don’t see any option to change or reset it
  • single-sign-on utility:
    • old password does not work
    • there is a password reset option, it says it sends an email, but the email never arrives (I’ve checked it too)

In all, this hasn’t been preventing me from using the site at all, but I’d like to make my account more secure.

You can update your password in Phoenix on here.
On the Forum, you can change it here. has recently moved and has been migrated, so you do not need to bother with this. Your account, probably, does not exist there yet.

If you need anything else, let me know!

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Hi @erik, thanks for the reply and instructions!

The advice for Phoenix worked. I have also found that link through the menu option “Menu”, “Settings”.

On the forum, I think the link you sent has your own username, so it doesn’t work. I did go, however, to “Preferences” and “Security”. There is no option there to change the password, only to reset it (Send Password Reset Email). I had tried that before and was not receiving any email. However, trying once more just now, it worked as expected.

Awesome, glad to hear!