I propose the following data to be a new case:
Fields |
Data |
Name |
The service may report your violation of Terms of Service to the social credit agency |
Description |
The service may report the violation of Terms of Service to the social credit agency, including the government-affiliated or non-government-affiliated agencies. The punishment negatively affects the users’ real life status. |
Classification |
bad |
Topic |
Terms of Service; Didn't Read - Phoenix |
Weight |
70 |
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用户违反本服务条款项下任何用户义务的,CSDN经营者有权不经通知用户而采取下列一项或多项措施,且无须向用户或任何第三方承担任何法律责任;因用户行为引发的风险、责任及损失由用户自行承担,造成CSDN或第三方损失的,用户还须赔偿全部损失: (1)删除不符合本服务条款规定的相关信息、资料、内容; (2)断开相关信息、资料、内容在CSDN上的链接; (3)暂停用户对账户的使用或限制部分功能或服务; (4)永久封禁账户并禁止任何功能或服务; (5)将用户信息列入CSDN及CSDN经营者黑名单,不予接受以相同用户信息注册CSDN用户或CSDN经营者运营的任何其他平台的申请,不再进行任何形式的合作; (6)向有关第三平台投诉或举报用户的违法违规行为; (7)向征信部门报送用户不诚信信息; (8)向有关部门就用户的违法行为进行举报或报案,协助有关部门追究违法犯罪活动的法律责任; (9)法律法规及本服务条款规定的其他措施。
Since social credit system in mainland China is different, (Public shaming, restrictions implanted and punishment for even minor case) this case may be better neutral until counterargument for this case being “neutral”.
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