Case Proposal: Your data is processed and stored in a country that is less friendly to user privacy protection

I propose the following data to be a new case:

Fields Data
Name Your data is processed and stored in a country that is less friendly to user privacy protection.
Description The case means that the user’s data is not anywhere in the world, while the user’s data is more likely to be obtained and used by government and/or possible data analysts.
Classification bad
Topic Topic Personal Data (ToS;DR Phoenix)
Weight 50

This case proposal is far from perfect. It is also inspired by the frequent element in mainland China service. Mainland China services (and other services such as Tiktok after attempted Tiktok ban) have such content “我们在中华人民共和国境内收集和产生的个人信息,将存储在中华人民共和国境内,不会存在个人信息出境之情况” (Douban)

“**我们依照法律法规的规定,仅会将收集到的有关您的个人信息存储于中华人民共和国境内。**目前我们暂时不存在跨境存储您的个人信息或向境外提供个人信息的场景。如果确有必要进行数据的跨境传输,我们会单独向您明确告知(包括数据出境的目的、接收方、使用方式与范围、使用内容、安全保障措施、安全风险等),并征得您的授权同意,我们会确保数据接收方有充足的数据保护能力来保护您的个人信息。” (Bilibili)

While it also contains anti-information abroad measures, it is for another cases and since the motivation may be preventing foreign from obtaining mainland China’s well collected data and enhance mainland China’s data advantage, it is likely not what we concern. For the data stuff, it is hard to determine if it is good or bad, especially when it comes to the measures which both mainland China and foreign countries are taken but with different approach.


I think it’s a great idea! No bad opinions have been expressed so the case has been added: Case 411: Your data is processed and stored in a country that is less friendly to user privacy protection (I changed some words of the description, I hope you don’t mind @reikousami )

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