Should a service that has a limit on the amount of money they owe in liability be added as a case on the site? For example, in Wikipedia’s ToS: “In no event shall our liability exceed one thousand U.S. dollars (USD 1000.00) in aggregate.” Other services have this as well but I’ve mostly seen a limit of 100 USD. If this should be added as a case, what would the weight and classification be?
Maybe add a case but make it neutral?
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Go ahead, the more cases the better.
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Don’t we have already a case for this?
Case 149: Any liability on behalf of the service is only limited to the fees you paid as a user refers to a limit on liability, and the title can be modified to include the exact amount depending on each service.
I agree with @Agnes_de_Lion, adding on, a lot of the time if a service places a distinct number as their maximum liability, it’ll be something like “fees paid as a user or X dollars, whichever is lower”, which fits well into Case 149 already.