Difference between cases 166 and 188

The names of these cases look very similar: https://edit.tosdr.org/cases/188 and Terms of Service; Didn't Read - Phoenix.

According to the description of this last case, it seems like case 166 is about sharing personal data with third parties which aren’t involved in the services’ operation, whereas case 188 would mean the service may share personal data with third parties working with them.

If I didn’t misunderstand the meaning of these cases, I think we should rephrase their titles or change their descriptions to better reflect that.

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I’d agree! Maybe we can rephrase them as such:

  • Case 166: This service shares your personal data with third parties that are not involved in its operation | (with a higher weight)
  • Case 188: This service can share your personal data with third parties involved in its operation | (with a lower weight, and move it to the Third Parties topic)

What are your thoughts?


Perhaps we could change the phrasing of case 188 to make easier its distinction (without changing its meaning):

  • Case 188: This service gives your personal data to third parties involved in its operation

Sure! Sounds much better.


Are there other opinions on this or can the change be implemented?


I see nothing against this, looks like a good change!


Very well, I’m making the changes rn. Feel free to close this topic!


I agree with @katzepferd, the descriptions of the cases should be updated to be less ambiguous.

What are your thoughts?

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The cases have been updated according to @katzepferd’s description proposals.

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