Does Case 219 mandate the use of Case 336?

Case 219: You can opt out of targeted advertising means there is a target advertising to opt out of. So that means that when we use Case 219 we must always also use Case 336: Your personal data may be used for marketing purposes?

The first is positive with weight 25, the latter negative with weight 50. So offering an opt out alternative just reduces the net sum of negative points, right?


If a point linked to Case 219: You can opt out of targeted advertising is created, then I’d say there should exist a point linked to Case 216: Your personal data is used for advertising or Case 220: Your personal data is used to employ targeted third-party advertising.

Case 336 opt out would be (at least partially) Case 223: You can opt out of promotional communications

Sure, that relation seems true for me too. Offering an opt out reduces the negative view of the point without removing it completely as it isn’t by default.

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