Tried submitting to the site a few years ago and my submissions never got confirmed. And by the time someone got around to them, the terms had changed.
As well, why does everything auto-lock / auto-deny after 2 months or less?
Literally what’s the point of this site if we’re not going to use what people submit?
And to top that, why does TOS;DR not have a real terms of service page?
Lol, hilariously by the time you’re reading this, this topic will be auto-locked… because your opinion doesn’t matter.
You see the problem in the wrong place.
We do see user submissions and we do add them.
Its just that there are over 4000 service requests right now and a simliar amount of points and this work is voluntary and does not get paid, we have jobs, school, a life that goes first.
You can send me the domains of the services that you want to be added so I can approve them. And docs that are out of date to recrawl them, btw you can request that here and that is usally done pretty quickly.