Kayak keeping a license on deleted content, do they keep such content too?

I’m hesitating to approve a point created for Kayak

You may remove your Trips Information from Trips at any time, but the license that you have granted will remain in effect.

It was linked to This service holds onto content that you’ve deleted (Case)

The issue is, they don’t say in the agreements they are keeping that content, only a license. Is it only a way to say licenses are perpetual, or should a user understand deleted content is not really deleted?


The former: the thing is there’s no way to legally revoke a copyright licence except for a very narrow statutory revocation opportunity (must be between X and Y years after initial publication, and must compensate all current users) and explicitly negotiated revocation provision. Hence I’d rate it neutral: they can’t initiate a revocation on behalf of you just because you erased your content from their platform.

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