Hi! If you see any logos missing on https://tosdr.org and you have a 72x72 pixel logo for it, please upload it to tosdr.org/src/img/icons at master · tosdr/tosdr.org · GitHub
or if you don’t have a github account and/or don’t know how to resize a picture / convert it to png, you can post it here and we’ll make sure it lands in the right place.
Can we make PR’s to update old logos as well? Saw that the top 3 Services have outdated logos.
Is the correct size really 72x72? I looked info the folder and all the images seem to be 24x24.
The logos I wanted to add:
Lichess: lila/public/logo at master · lichess-org/lila · GitHub
Listudy: listudy/priv/static at master · ArneVogel/listudy · GitHub
@michielbdejong I have icons that I think I uploaded correctly to github. I opened a pull request and then merged but I don’t know if I did it in the right place. I tried to add the files to the link you provided but it said " Uploads are disabled. File uploads require push access to this repository." Is there another location where you want files to be uploaded?
You need to create a fork, upload logos to that fork, then create a Pull Request and @michielbdejong has to accept it.
Update: You can request icons now through http://tosdr.community/icon