Netgear and Asus get license to all your content

I hope I misunderstood this but do Asus and Netgear get a license for anything I transmit through their service?


When YOU uploaded, transmitted, inputted or provided the Information to this SERVICE, YOU grant ASUS, its affiliates and subsidiaries, a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-revocable, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable right to promote and distribute part or all of the Information in any media formats with any manner, including without limitation to modify, reproduce, public broadcast, public transmission, adapt, distribute, publish, public release, or otherwise use the Information.



21.1 &nbsp.  By uploading, transmitting, creating, posting, displaying or otherwise providing any User Content, You hereby grant NETGEAR a worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicenseable and transferable license to (a) use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, make derivative works of, publicly perform and publicly display such User Content to the full extent necessary for use of the Product, and (b) maintain a copy of the User Content (including all related intellectual property rights) for archival and legal purposes (“User Content License”).

User Content Back-Ups. You are entirely responsible for backing up Your “User Content” (i.e., any information, materials, documents, media files or other content You upload, transmit, create, post, display or otherwise provide on or through the Services)

That is pretty standart practice. What they usually mean with user content is comments you post or profile pictures etc. They require a license from you to be able to display them. This license they is use very broad tho.

Can you elaborate what you mena by “transmit through their service”

-# Not legal advice.

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The software on router is part of service and transmitting thrrough that software is enough to trigger licenses to user content. They really needed separate ToS for their forums.

I dont think that is considered “user content” in any world. That does not apply to your traffic, if you have concerns about that, reach out to them. Also traffic that goes through a router is usually encrypted.

Not legal advice

Well the NETGEAR contract says it does. User Content is defined as “any information, materials, documents, media files, or other content You … transmit, create post, display or otherwise provide on or through the Services.” Services does not seem to be defined but there is a sentence near the beginning “services (including software provided in Your device at the time of purchase)”. By uploading, transmitting, creating, posting, displaying or otherwise providing any User Content You hereby grant NETGEAR … license … to use… to the full extent necessary for use of the Product and … archival and legal purposes.

They may be interested in training AI. This has been a big topic on the news lately.

TP-link’s legal terms may actually be more expansive including “rights to act as agent” but they specifically state that clause applies to Sites. Services is also clearly defined here as composed of Sites and a bunch of other things. Linksys does not seem to have such a clause at all.

So there is a definition of Services and even the hardware is part of it or did I misunderstand?:
(1) NETGEAR hardware products (including our routers and gateways, our ReadyNAS products and switches, and our Meural products) (“Products”),
 &nbsp. (2) All NETGEAR-owned websites and domains and website(s) that may be accessed at and (“Sites”),
 &nbsp. (3) services, including technical support and services accessible through the Sites (“Web Apps”),
 &nbsp. (4) software that may be downloaded to your smartphone or tablet to access services (“Mobile Apps”), and
 &nbsp. (5) subscription services, including services you can access using the Web Apps and Mobile Apps (“Subscription Services”), (collectively, the “Services”).

You should reach out to them and ask for clarification!

I did it automatically replied with “‘this is not Orla . Contact Orla.’”

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