New Features for the Forum

Greetings everyone!

We’ve finally added some plugins to this forum which should improve quite a few things.

  • You can now mark topics as “solved” with a link to the solution and a marker on the left side of the topic!

If you found a solution to your question, please mark it using the 3 dots at the bottom of the post and then click on “Solution”

Another plugin I have added is a Voting System

You like an idea of somebody? Vote for it and if you have an opinion, go ahead and share it! If you do not have anything to share and you just like it, vote anyways!


Another plugin which has yet to be configured is a knowledge base where we will store all FAQ.

If you have any ideas for more plugins/features head over to #site-feedback and create a thread!


Seems like I forgot a plugin to mention I have installed, ha!

You can now use checkboxes like in github

This is unchecked!
This is checked

[] This is unchecked!
[x] This is checked