The service Baidu and Baidu Tieba

I have requested for Baidu Tieba here and the proposed documents are contained in Baidu service instead. I personally think they should be separated and the Baidu Tieba documents should be in Baidu Tieba service to avoid confusion since Baidu and Baidu Tieba is somewhat like Google and Youtube. The key reason is that they are different services, one is mainly for searching engine (and other stuffs such as AI censorship system). Also, for Baidu service itself, here are two files which can replace the current general documents: 百度用户协议 - ToU; 百度隐私权保护声明 - Private Policy


Thanks for raising that issue. It has been solved now: the services have been separated, Baidu Tieba has its own documents and the documents for Baidu have been added.
Enjoy reviewing!