I’m a software developer for Phoenix and lately we’ve been experimenting with new formulas for the algorithm used to determine service grades. I say “algorithm,” but it’s really a simple list of conditions, plus a balance calculation based on the number of good, bad, and blocker points for each service.
We decided to make some changes to it after noticing that the majority of services on the tosdr.org homepage were rated E, leading us to suspect that the algorithm was dumping services into E, and that we needed to adjust the conditions in the algorithm to account for more complexity. Later, we found out that the algorithm was in fact dumping services into B, with the grade C underrepresented.
A couple of weeks ago, we deployed a different algorithm that we thought would correct this problem, but services are now being dumped into C, which makes this newer algorithm dis-satisfactory, as well.
Now, we’ve developed a new algorithm that we think provides balance, but we want to consult with the broader community to see if you guys had any feedback.
This was the original algorithm:
def perform_calculation
points = self.points
classification_counts = service_point_classifications_count(points)
balance = calculate_balance(classification_counts)
def service_point_classifications_count(points)
approved_points = points.select { |p| p.status == 'approved' && !p.case.nil? }
total_ratings = approved_points.map { |p| p.case.classification }
counts = Hash.new 0
total_ratings.each { |rating| counts[rating] += 1 }
def calculate_balance(counts)
num_bad = counts['bad']
num_blocker = counts['blocker']
num_good = counts['good']
balance = num_good - num_bad - 3 * num_blocker
if (num_blocker + num_bad + num_good == 0)
return "N/A"
elsif (balance < -10)
return "E"
elsif (num_blocker > 0)
return "D"
elsif (balance < -4)
return "C"
elsif (num_bad > 0)
return "B"
return "A"
With the original algorithm, this was the grading breakdown for comprehensively reviewed services (i.e., the services displayed on tosdr.org):
{"A"=>51, "B"=>159, "C"=>57, "D"=>104, "E"=>104, "N/A"=>2}
This is the dis-satisfactory algorithm deployed a couple of weeks ago:
def perform_calculation
counts = determine_counts
balance = determine_balance(counts)
calculate_grade(counts, balance)
def determine_counts
total_ratings = approved_points.map { |p| p.case.classification }
counts = Hash.new 0
total_ratings.each { |rating| counts[rating] += 1 }
def determine_balance(counts)
num_bad = counts['bad']
num_blocker = counts['blocker']
num_good = counts['good']
(num_good * 3) - num_bad - (num_blocker * 3)
def calculate_grade(counts, balance)
if (counts['blocker'] + counts['bad'] + counts['good']).zero?
elsif balance < -13 || counts['blocker'] > counts['good']
elsif counts['blocker'] >= 3
elsif balance < -4 || (counts['bad'] >= counts['good'])
elsif counts['bad'].positive? && (counts['bad'] < counts['good'])
Here, with this algorithm, is the grading breakdown for comprehensively reviewed services (i.e., the services displayed on tosdr.org):
{"A"=>52, "B"=>139, "C"=>250, "D"=>26, "E"=>8, "N/A"=>2}
This is the new algorithm that we’re testing, but that has not yet been deployed:
def perform_calculation
counts = determine_counts
balance = determine_balance(counts)
calculate_grade(counts, balance)
def determine_counts_test
total_ratings = approved_points.map { |p| p.case.classification }
counts = Hash.new 0
total_ratings.each { |rating| counts[rating] += 1 }
def determine_balance_test(counts)
num_bad = counts['bad']
num_blocker = counts['blocker']
num_good = counts['good']
num_good - num_bad - (num_blocker * 3)
def calculate_grade_test(counts, balance)
if (counts['blocker'] + counts['bad'] + counts['good']).zero?
elsif balance <= -10 || counts['blocker'] > counts['good']
elsif counts['blocker'] >= 3 || counts['bad'] > counts['good']
elsif balance < 5
elsif counts['bad'] > 0
This is the grading breakdown:
{"A"=>40, "B"=>73, "C"=>95, "D"=>141, "E"=>126, "N/A"=>2}
The new algorithm essentially retains the original balance calculation, adjusts the thresholds for the grades based on the balance, and attempts to factor in the ratios of the point types to each other for each service (i.e., amount of good points, vs. bad, vs. blocker).
We’ll leave this open to feedback for one week.
Thanks, everybody!