What to do with Swagbucks Terms of Service when they don't give one?

I wanted to find information on Swagbucks Terms of Service but they don’t offer it. Even their help desk software only offers this: https://help.swagbucks.com/hc/en-us/sections/360000150386-Privacy

GDPR isn’t Terms of Service or Privacy and yes even the company that owns it does not offer it either: Privacy Policy | Prodege : Prodege

I am sure there is a major legal issue but that isn’t why i’m here. I thought someone here would have had some kind of old document or something. Nope nothing can be found. So… now what?

Is their tos doc, which is empty, weird.

If you are an eu citizen try to send a gdpr request, dropped you an tenplate below.

`To Whom It May Concern:

I am requesting you, as the data controller of the website [site url], to confirm whether it is processing any personal data about me.
If so, please provide me with all the required information stipulated in Article 15 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including:

• a copy of my personal data;
• the purposes of the processing;
• the categories of personal data concerned;
• the recipients you disclose my personal data to and the safeguards you provide;
• the retention period for storing my personal data or the criteria used for determining this period;
• information about the source of my personal data; and
• the existence of automated decision-making (including profiling), and if so:

  • the logic involved in the decision-making process;
  • the significance and the envisaged consequences for me;
  • the steps you have taken to prevent errors, bias and discrimination; and
  • explain how I can express my point of view and challenge a decision.

This request relates to any processing of my personal data by you, including any processors processing personal data on behalf of you.

Please provide your response through secure means by email. I look forward to receiving a response within one month of the receipt of my request.


[Your name]`

If they dont respond, contact your countries regulator Our Members | European Data Protection Board

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