Merging Topics Transparency and Easy to Read

After the changes discussed in a previous topic have been applied, I see much less differences between Topic 36 (renamed Transparency) and Topic 33 (Easy to Read).

Having terms that are easy to understand, short and providing archives of their versions is important for transparency, so I’d say these topics should be merged together, keeping the title of Topic 36 as it would seem more appropriate.

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I agree. I’d even go so far as to say the Changes to the Terms section could be merged in also, but that is a separate discussion.

Do you mean Terms of Service; Didn't Read - Phoenix, Terms of Service; Didn't Read - Phoenix or Terms of Service; Didn't Read - Phoenix?

For the first one, I’d agree since it refers to information the service would give about their agreements and it’s somehow related to transparency.

Regarding Terms of Service; Didn't Read - Phoenix it would be logical to be merged too, but then the topic would contain too much cases in my opinion (exactly as much as the Topic Governance).

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I’m applying the change today.
The Topic will remain open for a few days, other points of view are welcome!

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